You've Got it All Mixed Up!

"Monetary wealth will be a 'by-product' of living the life of your dreams...not the cause of it." - Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason
Read that again. "But how can I live the life of my dreams without money?" I hear you ask. There are 2 ways to do that -

1. Start doing things that bring you joy on a consistent basis. These don't have to be expensive or difficult. It could be something as simple as taking frequent bubble baths or reading a good book. Doing things that bring you joy will raise your vibrational levels and you will start to attract more positive events and circumstances in your life.

2. Spend some time visualizing your dream life each and every day. You need to start living your dream life in your mind first before it can become a reality. Think of aal the great inventions and ideas. They were first nothing more than ideas visualized clearly in the mind of the creator before they came into physical form.

What do you want your ideal life to look like? Just let your imagination go wild....

To find out more about how to manifest the life of your dreams take a look at the Wealth Beyond Reason Program

Why It's So Important to Stop Worrying about money

".....the last thing you need to worry about is how you are going to get the money you want to create the life you want. Your only job is to know what kind of life you want to live the most, and to find those things in your life that bring you the most joy, and to keep your attention on those things."
Bob Doyle - Wealth Beyond Reason

Are you doing this? Probably not.You're probable focused on how to get the m*oney you need to create the life you want. Changing your focus from what you lack (enough mo*ney to what brings you joy) may seem to go against common sense.

But that's exactly what you need to do in order to raise your vibrations and get what you REALLY want in life.

Wealth Beyond Reason

Hope Empowers....

"Hope empowers you. It lifts the soul and opens the heart, and it's the source of your enthusiasm and excitement. Without hope you can't get excited about your desire - or keep your passion high your passion high enough to keep going when faced with obstacles." Sandra Anne Taylor

Being In Balance

"Keep your thoughts and feelings in harmony with your actions. The surest way to realize your purpose is to eliminate any conflict or dissonance that exists between what you're thinking and how you're living your days."
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Thought Atmosphere

"Every person is surrounded by a thought atmosphere....Through this power we are either attracting or repelling. Like attracts like and...we attract just what we are in mind."
Ernest Holmes

"The individual application of observer creation reveals that what you notice about yourself becomes present. Think about this for a moment:What do you tend to note about yourself? Are those self-observations negative or positive? What kind of reality do you think that you'll come up with based on them?" - Sandra Taylor

Are You Chasing After The Wrong Things?

"Most people chase wealth so that they can afford the life of their dreams. What they don't see - and what you will learn - is that through living the life of your dreams, you literally attract exactly the resources you need to LIVE your dream. - Bob Doyle

Wealth Beyond Reason
The Truth about the Law of Attraction

"Your current situation - whatever it may be - is a direct result of what you are feeling, thinking and believing. Unless you take responsibility for where you are now, you will never have full control over where you are going." - Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason

Are you taking responsibility for where your life is right now? Or are you blaming others? The great thing about being responsible is that you can change things for the better any time you want. Am I saying that you are responsible for everything bad that happens to you, like a car accident,a rape or even something as "little" as a nasty comment?

No, You many not be 100% responsible for everything that happens to you but you are 100% responsible for how you react to it. We cannot always choose the events in our lives, but we can always choose our reactions to them.

To find out more about how to purposefully create an amazing life, take a look at the Wealth Beyond Reason Program.

Inside Out Creation

"In terms of your personal life, your success - or lack of it - manifests in your consciousness first. If you can look around you and see failure and difficulty, that's a product of your mind. If you see abundance and achievement, that's a force of your own, too. Everything that you'll ever manifest is in the boiling pot of your conscious energy, creating the concoction that you'll later call your life." Sandra Anne Taylor Quantum Success

Find out more by clicking the link below:

Quantum Success: The Astounding Science of Wealth and Happiness

Bob Doyle is one of my favorite teachers from The Secret. Here's a quote from him on taking responsibility for your life.

"Your Current situation -whatever it may be - is a direct result of what you are feeling, thinking and believing. Unless you take responsibility for where you are now, you will never have full control over where you are going." -Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason

Wealth Beyond Reason

Law Of Attraction Quotations

I am an ardent fan and practitioner of The Law Of Attraction and as such I'm constantly reading books and purchasing programs on The Law Of Attraction.

I have come across many quotes that I love and that have made a tremendously positive impact on my life and I want to share them with you in this blog.

I hope that you will enjoy reading this blog as much as I have enjoyed sharing with you.

Law Of Attraction Quotations

Law Of Attraction Quotes