Wealth isn't money....Huh?

"....Wealth isn't money. Wealth is living the life you desire in abundance and joy (and that can include having a lot of money)" Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond ReasonSay the word wealth and poeple automatically think of money. But I know of many people who have money but are not wealthy. To be wealthy you must be happy and have a spirit of abundance rather than scarcity.

One woman in particular, has amassed quite a fortune through saving and shrewd investments. She is 60 years old and has so much money that she simple lives off her interest, not even touching her capital investment.

Yet, she will never even buy her grandchildren a gift or give a beggar a single cent. She hoards every cent for the future and for her daughter. This same impoversihed spirit extends to all areads of her life. She never has a kind or compassionate word for anyone.

Her entire life is governed by scarcity and lack, even though she has money. I certainly wouldn't call her wealthy, would you?

The question is do you just want money or do you truly want to be wealthy.