"Every time we visualize the thing we long for, every time we see ourselves in imagination in the position we long to fill, we are forming a habit which will tend to make our highest moments permanent, to bring our vision out of the ideal into the actual."Orison Swett Marden How To Get What You Want (1917)
Posted at 4:27 AM | | 0 Comments
Self-acceptance is the key.
"Self-acceptance is the key to a higher consciousness and more attractive energy. Don't be hesitant to stop the self-criticism, you can't be both in harmony and in hatred with yourself."
Sandra Anne Taylor
Posted at 11:39 PM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
'You must understand that the present state of your bank account, your sales, your health, yur social life, your position at work, etc. is nothing more than the physical manifestation of your previous thinking."
"Bob Proctor - Co-author of The 11 Forgotten Laws - The 11 Forgotten Laws That Make The Law Of Attraction An Unbreakable Force
In other words, your past thinking has created the life that you have today. If you want to change any or all areas of your life, then you must first change your thinking habits.
Posted at 2:37 AM | Labels: bob proctor, law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments
Becoming Conscious
"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you'll call it fate." Joe Vitale
Check out Joe's new program "The Awakening" and discover the secret to lasting happiness, health and wealth.
Posted at 9:09 AM | Labels: joe vitale, law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments
"How often do we hear it said of some man, "Everything he touches turns to gold. " Why? Because the man is constantly picturing to himself the success of his undertakings and he is backing up his vision by his efforts. By clinging to his vision, by vigorous resolution and persistant, determined endeavour he is continually making himself a powerful magnet to draw his own to him. Consciously or unconsciously, he is using the divine intelligence or force by the use of which every human being may mold himself and his environment according to the pattern in his mind." Orison Swett Marden How To Get What You Want (1917)
Posted at 4:22 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Orison Swett Marden, quotations by Orison Swett Marden, quotes by Orison Swett Marden | 0 Comments
Begin by Seeking a Peaceful Mind & Heart.
"Begin by seeking a peaceful mind and heart, because all blessings flow from them. This isn't just some simplistic 'positive thinking' theory; it's absolute energetic truth. The more conflict you experience in your thoughts and feelings, the more discord you'll attract in your outside world."
Sandra Anne Taylor
Posted at 12:04 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
Why Don't I Have When I Think Of It All The Time?
"If, when you 'ask' for something, your request is wrapped in worry, then you are going to attract circumstances that perpetuate or even grow that feeling of worry." Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason
Six-Figures In Less Than A Year
Do only the things you LOVE to do, and generate multiple revenue streams!
Posted at 4:10 AM | Labels: Bob Doyle, law of attraction quotations | 0 Comments
"Beliefs are how we create reality...You've probably noticed that people seem to have recurring problems. Did you ever wonder why it is the same problem for each person? The person with money problems always has money problems. The person with relationship problems always has relationship problems. It's as though each person specializes in a disorder."
Check out Joe's new program The Awakening and learn the secrets to Health, Wealth and Happiness.
Posted at 8:59 AM | Labels: joe vitale, law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments
"Every moment of our lives we are experiencing the result of our thought....What we believe, what we think, what we expect, shapes our lives. Through the control and direction of our thoughts, backed up with corresponding efforts on a physical plane, we can attract to us all our heart's desires." Orison Swett Marden -How To Get What You Want (1917)
Posted at 2:03 AM | | 0 Comments
The Most Harmonic Emotions.
'The most harmonic -and most successful- emotions are love, peace, acceptance, and an enthusiasm for your life. If you can't learn to bring these core emotions into a prominent place in your daily existence, then you'll continually be striving, with very little to show for it. To avoid this, you need to get back in balance. Your cognitive center must be self-acceptance, and your emotional center must be self-love."
Sandra Anne Taylor
Posted at 12:10 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
"Mental awareness of prosperity always preceeds wealth in your material world."
."Bob Proctor - Co-author of The 11 Forgotten Laws - The 11 Forgotten Laws That Make The Law Of Attraction An Unbreakable Force
So how do you become aware of prosperity? That's exactly what The 11 Forgotten Laws Program teaches.
Posted at 1:21 AM | Labels: bob proctor, law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments
"Faith increases confidence, carries conviction, multiplies ability. Faith doesn't think or guess. It sees the way out. It is not discourages or blinded by mountains of difficulties, because it sees through them - sees the goal beyond." Orison Swett Marden - How To Get What You Want
Posted at 11:36 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Orison Swett Marden, quotations by Orison Swett Marden, quotes by Orison Swett Marden | 0 Comments
"There's an easy path through life and a hard one. I wonder how many of us choose the hard path simply because we don't realize that there is an alternative....there is an escalator through life, too. You can take the hard path or the easy path. It's all your choice."
Check out Joe's new Life Transforming Program The Awakening
Posted at 5:58 AM | Labels: joe vitale, law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments
Why You Must Avoid Negative Emotional Energy As Much As Possible
"....you don't have to back up your desire with negative emotional energy. Negativity attracts negavity. That's why it's likely that you attract what you fear most....The Universe will think that is what you want or need in your life, as that's what you've aimed your magnet at."
Learn more about the movement that is sweeping the world ...Revolutionz
Posted at 5:54 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Revolutinz Program | 0 Comments
The Law Of Pure Desire
"The Law Of Pure Desire says that when you're driven by a pure intention - one that's free of fear, doubt, and desperation - you can be certain of a beneficial outcome. Freedom from fear shifts the energy of your motivation from negative, resistant vibrations to positive, receptive ones. You'll go from energies of longing and desperation to those of hope and expectation, two vital components of this law."
Posted at 12:16 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
Why Am I Attracting the Opposite Of What I Want?
"Remember the Law Of Attraction: Energy attracts like energy. It does not attract 'good' or 'bad' Energy. It attracts LIKE Energy. So if all your focus is on what you do not want, then more of that is what you will literally vibrate! Those vibrations are real magnets to more vibrations just like it! It is no wonder that your life seems to be an unending cycle of negative events! Why would it be anything else? You're not really asking for anything else!" Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason
Posted at 1:39 AM | Labels: Bob Doyle, law of attraction quotations | 0 Comments
"Fears and doubts repel prosperity. Abundace cannot get to a person who holds such a mental attitude. Things that are unlike in the mental realm repel one another." Orison Swett Marden - How To Get What You Want
Posted at 11:31 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Orison Swett Marden, quotations by Orison Swett Marden, quotes by Orison Swett Marden | 0 Comments
The 6 Laws Of Attraction
There are six major Laws Of Attraction.
6 Major Laws of the Universe that work behind the scenes to pull the strings in your life:
The Law of Attraction
The Law Of Vibration
The Law Of Gratitude
The Law Of Love
The Law Of Allowance
These Universal Laws are all interdependant and cannot be seen in isolation.
Find out more about these 6 laws and how they can change your life
Posted at 5:35 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, revolutinz Program | 0 Comments
"So if something happens that you feel is bad, remember that it happened to move you forward. Your job is to find the positive in the negative, or to trust that there is a positive, even if you can't see it at the moment."
Take a look at Joe's new program "The Awakening" and discover the missing secret for attracting health, wealth, happiness and love.
Posted at 4:16 AM | Labels: joe vitale, law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments
"Let go of fear, doubt, worry, disappointment or ay other negative emotion that might make you feel low...Trust that when something happens, it's good; and trust that when something you want doesn't happen, it's good too." Joe Vitale
Take a look at Joe's new program "The Awakening" and discover the missing secret for attracting health, wealth, happiness and love.
Posted at 3:45 AM | Labels: Joe Vitale, law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments
The Circle of Life
"All that you do, say, and think moves outward from you in a frequency that has your name on it. In time, it will blend with other similar wavelengths, and those accumulated vibrations will then come back. Whether you draw good or bad toward you will depend on the kind of energies you match."
Sandra Anne Taylor
Posted at 10:41 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
"If you want to have money, one thing you should never, never do is worry about whether or not you will get the money you desire, or whether you will keep it."
."Bob Proctor - Co-author of The 11 Forgotten Laws - The 11 Forgotten Laws That Make The Law Of Attraction An Unbreakable Force
Posted at 1:17 AM | Labels: bob proctor, law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments
The Path To Lasting Good Health
"Health can be established only by thinking health, just as disease is established by thinking disease. Just as you must think success, expect it, visualize it, you must attract it by making your mind a huge health magnet to attract more health, abundant health. As long as physical defects, weaknesses or diseased conditions exist in the imagination, as long as the mind is filled with visions of ill health the body must correspond, because our bodies are but an extension of our thoughts, our minds objectified." Orison Swett Marden - How To Get What You Want
Posted at 11:25 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Orison Swett Marden, quotations by Orison Swett Marden, quotes by Orison Swett Marden | 0 Comments
"Your job is to ask for what you want, and then act on the inner nudges you get to do things, like make certain phonecalls, write letters, visit a certan person, or whatever." Joe Vitale
Take a look at Joe's new program "The Awakening" and discover the missing secret for attracting health, wealth, happiness and love.
Posted at 3:41 AM | Labels: Joe Vitale, law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments
The Key To Getting What You Want Is......
"The key to getting what you want is knowing what to ask." - Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason
Do you know what you want? Or are you like the vast majority of people who are so caught up in what they don't want, but still completely unclear about what they really do want. And if you are unclear about exactly what you want, then how can the Universe deliver it to you.
2 Free Audio Lectures
How to use law of attraction principles to create multiple streams of income online, and excel in network marketing.
Most people just have a vague idea that they want life to be better. But if you ask them exactly what they would like to change or improve they would find it difficult to give you a specific answer.
Do you fall into this category? Then isn't it about time you clarified your goals and dreams so that they can finally come true.
Posted at 3:50 AM | Labels: Bob Doyle, law of attraction quotations | 0 Comments
How To Develop A Prosperity Consciousness
"The best way to develop a prosperity consciuosness is to start seeling yourself, in your mind's eye. already in posession of the amount of money you desire."
."Bob Proctor - Co-author of The 11 Forgotten Laws - The 11 Forgotten Laws That Make The Law Of Attraction An Unbreakable Force
Posted at 1:12 AM | Labels: bob proctor, law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments
"Choose what you want and let God or the universe (whatever that means to you) bring it to you. Let it ochestrate the events that will manifest the thing that you desire." Joe Vitale
Take a look at Joe's new program "The Awakening" and discover the missing secret for attracting health, wealth, happiness and love.
Posted at 3:38 AM | Labels: Joe Vitale, law of attraction quotations | 0 Comments
The Importance Of Gratitude
"Once you are grateful, you are in an energy that creates miracles." -Joe Vitale
Take a look at Joe's new program "The Awakening" and discover the missing secret for attracting health, wealth, happiness and love.
Posted at 3:18 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments
"Obsessing about what's missing in your life actually causes you to channel your energy into missing more! And if you're always complaining about what you don't have, it will only create more to whine about."
Sandra Anne Taylor
So stop whining right NOW!!!
Posted at 10:26 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
"While good forune is always a factor in financial success, it must always be coupled with effort and hard work." Bob Proctor
."Bob Proctor - Co-author of The 11 Forgotten Laws - The 11 Forgotten Laws That Make The Law Of Attraction An Unbreakable Force
Posted at 1:03 AM | Labels: bob proctor, law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments
Emotion Has The POWER To Create What You Want
"Emotion has the powerto create what you want. Find within yourself what it will feel like to have, be, or do the thing you want and you will begin to manifest the thing you want. The energy in the emotion will wrk to pull you toward the thing you want while also pulling the thing you want toward you..." Joe Vitale - One Of The Teachers Of The Secret
Take a look at Joe's new program "The Awakening" and discover the missing secret for attracting health, wealth, happiness and love.
Posted at 2:57 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments
The Law Of Attraction Is A Mirror
"The Law Of Attraction simply responds perfectly to what you vibrate. The trouble is that as a society, we have learned to vibrate negatively. Our idea of "reality" is that life is hard, and that you must work hard for the things that you want. We have been taught that sometimes having good relationships means compromising who we really are to 'make it work.' " - Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason
If you believe this, then of course it will be true for you. But haven't you met people for whom success seems to come effortlessly. Or think about a great relationship you have or may have had. Did it seem like work or like fun?
I'm challenging you to change these fundamental beliefs and in so doing change your life.
Wealth Beyond Reason
The Truth about the Law of Attraction
Posted at 12:47 AM | Labels: Bob Doyle | 0 Comments
Do you fall into the category that 95 out of 100 people fall into?
"95 out of 100 people settle for whatever they get. wishing they had more all the way from the cradle to the casket, never understanding that they could actually have all that they wanted."Bob Proctor - Co-author of The 11 Forgotten Laws - The 11 Forgotten Laws That Make The Law Of Attraction An Unbreakable Force
Posted at 12:29 PM | Labels: bob proctor, law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments
"I know of no other means of self-discovery so potent as an inspiring book, and it is a great thing to keep such books near you, because ideals become dim if we do not constantly stimulate them by the right mental food." Orison Swett Marden - How To Get What You Want
Posted at 11:22 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Orison Swett Marden, quotations by Orison Swett Marden, quotes by Orison Swett Marden | 0 Comments
The Lessons Of Life
"We learn the lessons in life we are to learn in two ways:either through obediance to natural laws or through suffering the consequences of not observing these laws....None of us consciously creates the suffering we experience." Karol Truman
Posted at 2:53 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments
"Hope empowers you. It lifts the soul and opens the heart, and it's the source of your enthusiasm and excitement. Without hope you can't get excited about your desire - or keep your passion high enough to keep going when faced with obstacles."
Sandra Anne Taylor Quantum Success: The Astounding Science of Wealth and Happiness
Posted at 8:59 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
The Law Of Pure Intention
"The Law Of Pure Desire says that when you are driven by pure intention - one that's free of fear, doubt and desperation - you can be certain of a beneficial outcome. Freedom from fear shifts the energy of your motivation from negative, resistant vibrations to positive, receptive ones. You'll go from energies of longing and desperation to those of hope and expectation, two vital components of this law."
Sandra Anne Taylor Quantum Success: The Astounding Science of Wealth and Happiness
Posted at 8:49 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
"Hatred sends out hostile jabs of jagged energy, a resonance that may succeed in hurting others but doesn't stop there. Those barbs of negative vibration snatch up even more negativity from the Universe, gathering momentum and returning far greater hostility back to you."
Sandra Anne Taylor
Posted at 10:35 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
"Nonstop energy vibrates within and around us all of the time, connecting us with each other and with the constant flow of Universal energy and events. When we're in harmony, we move into an unending stream of blessings and abundance that is active everywhere in the world. But when we're out of harmony, we take ourselves out of this bountiful current and stagnate on the riverbed, watching the blessings go by."
Sandra Anne Taylor
Posted at 11:35 PM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
You Get What You Expect
"When you pray for one thing and then fear and doubt that you will receive it, you diffuse your mental forces and attract only what the lesser thoughts believe and expect." Raymond Holiwell - Working With The Law
If you would like to access more of the wisdom of Mr. Holiwell in modern day english, taught by 2 master teachers of The Law Of Attraction (Bob Proctor & Mary Morrissey) then click here to find out more.
Posted at 12:05 PM | Labels: 111 forgotten laws, law of attraction quotations by raymond holiwell, law of attraction quotes by raymond holiwell | 0 Comments
The Law Of Paradoxical Intent.
"The Law Of Paradoxical Intent points out the underlying paradox of personal achievement: You can get what you want by knowing that you don;t need it to be happy! ...Pursue your goals because you want them to enhance an already happy life, not because you'll be miserable without them."
Sandra Anne Taylor
Posted at 10:31 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
"Don't be afraid of your longings; there is divinity in them. Don't try to strangle them because you think they are too extravagant, too Utopian . The Creator has not given you a longing to do that which you do not have the ability to do."
Posted at 9:43 PM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Orison Swett Marden, quotations by Orison Swett Marden, quotes by Orison Swett Marden | 0 Comments
"A desire in the heart for anything is God's sure promise sent beforehand to indicate that it is yours already in the limitless realm of supply." H. Emile Cady
Posted at 9:40 PM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments
"Your mental attitude will lead into the light or hold you in darkness. It will lead you you to hope or despair, to a glorious success or a miserable failure, and it is entirely within your own power to choose what it shall be." Orison Swett Marden - How To Get What You Want
Posted at 11:18 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Orison Swett Marden, quotations by Orison Swett Marden, quotes by Orison Swett Marden | 0 Comments
Why Fear is So Toxic To Success
"All fear is toxic to the energy of achievement, so it's inevitable that fear of failure creates the energy of a self-fulfilling prophecy; those who see themselves as unsuccessful can only draw defeat. These negative thoughts are your greatest obstacles to genuine happiness. They destroy optimism and increase worry and frustration, two miserable vibrations that attract miserable results. It's often said that your life moves in the direction of your dominant thought, and your energy is the reason why."
Sandra Anne Taylor Quantum Success: The Astounding Science of Wealth and Happiness
Posted at 8:37 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
The 3 most Common Types Of Fear
'Most negative thinking is based in one of three fears:
1. Fear of failure
2. Fear of rejection
3. Fear of failure '
Sandra Anne Taylor Quantum Success: The Astounding Science of Wealth and Happiness
Posted at 8:34 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
Messages from The Universe.... To You!
"If you look around you and find your life wanting, the Universe is telling you to take control of your thoughts!"
Sandra Anne Taylor Quantum Success: The Astounding Science of Wealth and Happiness
Posted at 8:32 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
Walking The Extra Mile Leads To Success
"Whosoever will find himself great must render great service. Whosoever will find himself at the top must lose himself at the bottom. The big salaries are paid to those who travel the undemanded extra mile." Raymond Holiwell Working With The Law
What great advice that is as pertinent today as it was over 50 years ago when it was first written.
If you would like to access more of the wisdom of Mr. Holiwell in modern day english, taught by 2 master teachers of The Law Of Attraction (Bob Proctor & Mary Morrissey) then click here to find out more.
Posted at 12:01 PM | Labels: law of attraction quotations by raymond holiwell, law of attraction quotes, law of attraction quotes by raymond holiwell, raymond holiwell | 0 Comments
Your Interests = Your Results
"We see in life that which interests us the most and pass blindly by that which is of little or no interest. It is here in this simple practice that so many of us may be making our mistakes. We may be so interested in things that are not prosperous, joyful, and healthy that we pass by the very things we desire most and overlook the means of our health and prosperity." Raymond Holiwell - Working With The Law
If you would like to access more of the wisdom of Mr. Holiwell in modern day English, taught by 2 master teachers of The Law Of Attraction (Bob Proctor & Mary Morrissey) then click here to find out more.
Posted at 11:56 AM | Labels: 11 forgotten laws, law of attraction quotations by raymond holiwell, law of attraction quotes by raymond holiwell | 0 Comments
Where is your right place in life?
Do you ever feel that do deserve more and better in your life? Then go ahead and stake your claim.
"Your right place is where you can enjoy success and plenty; this is natural, as the Law intended; your failure to realize these things is a miscalculation, a mistake. The Law does not need to change. Success or prosperity does not need to be made, it always is. But you, in turn, must change; then your affairs will follow the change. Where do you change? Well, the seat of all movement, the controller of all activity is your thought." Raymond Holiwell - Working With The Law
So how do you start changing your patterns of thinking? That's exactly what you'll learn in the 11 Forgotten Laws Program This program really shows you step by step how to unleash the power of your thoughts. Change your thoughts, change your life.
Posted at 1:52 AM | Labels: 11 forgotten laws program, law of attraction quotations by raymond holiwell, law of attraction quotes by raymond holiwell, raymond holiwell | 0 Comments
"The Universe will return your own joy, love and happiness to you: and it will return your fear, anger, and unhappiness as well. But where do emotions come from? What's the source of this powerful energy that you engage in all the time? .....Whether the feeling is anger or love, misery or joy, depression or excitement, boredom or bliss, every blossom or thorn of sentiment has one originating seed - and that seed is thought."
Sandra Anne Taylor Quantum Success: The Astounding Science of Wealth and Happiness
Posted at 8:25 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
Why You MUST Write Down What You Want?
Bob Doyle, one of the teachers in the hit movie "The Secret" says that in order to start manifesting what you want, you need to write down what you want. Here, in his own words, Bob explains why this is so important.
" 1. Writing things down brings your desire into physical form.
2. Writing helps you gain clarity, and further refine your desire into something you absolutely know you want.
3. Writing allows your desire to 'stand alone', without being surrounded by the clutter that normally exists in our thoughts regarding what we want."
So grab a paper and a pen (or your computer) and start writing down what you want. No one has to see this paper. It's for your eyes only.
The Boundless Living 45 Day Challenge
Bust through any previous limitations and create the life of your dreams. Whatever goal you have, we can help you realize it, and thousands of dollars of prizes are being awarded to multiple winners. No fee to enter. You MUST at least check out the video...
Posted at 5:12 AM | Labels: Bob Doyle, law of attraction quotations | 0 Comments
Think the things you want
"Think the things you want. The profoundest philosophy is locked up in these few words. Think of them clearly, persistently,concentrating upon them with all the force and might of your mind, and struggle toward them with all your energy. This is the way to make yourself a magnet for the things you want. But the moment you begin to doubt, to worry, to fear, you demagnetize yourself, and the things you desire flee from you. You drive them away by your mental attitude. They cannot come near you while you are deliberately separating yourself from them. You are going in one direction, and the things you want are going in the opposite direction." Orison Swett Marden - How To Get What You Want
Posted at 9:27 PM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Orison Swett Marden, quotations by Orison Swett Marden, quotes by Orison Swett Marden | 0 Comments
"Psychology is teaching us that all forms of discouragement, despondent thoughts, thoughts of doubt and fear, of worry, must be kept out of the mind, for it cannot create while these enemies are in posession of the mental kingdom. We are finding that in order to create, to build, we must hold a constructive mental attitude all the time, that we must keep all the negatives, all thoughts of discouragement, despondancy, of possible failure out of the mind. We are learning through psychology that we can produce only that which we concentrate upon, that which we constantly think of; that only that which is dominant in our mind, whether it is beneficial or injurious, will be reproduced in our lives." Orison Swett Marden - How To Get What You Want
Posted at 11:12 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Orison Swett Marden, quotations by Orison Swett Marden, quotes by Orison Swett Marden | 0 Comments
Where does Happiness Come From?
"Happiness is born of right living. It is the child of right thinking, right acting, of helpful service. A selfish life never knows real happiness. Greed and envy never touch it....Every noble deed, every unselfish act, every bit of helpfulness to others, every good service to humanity, every lofty aspiration and helpful thought, good honest hard work which we love, inevitably brings an amount of happiness which corresponds with the unselfishness and the good intentions of the act." Orison Swett Marden How To Get What You Want
Posted at 9:26 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Orison Swett Marden, quotations by Orison Swett Marden, quotes by Orison Swett Marden | 0 Comments
Never Let Someone Else Decide What You Are Capable Of
"No matter what other people may think or say about you, never allow yourself to doubt that you can do what you will to do. Boldly, confidentlyassert that there is a special place for you in the world, an individual role which only you can fill, and that you are going to fill it like a man. Train yourself to expect great things of yourself. Never admit, even by your manner, that you think you are destined to do little things all your life." Orison Swett Marden - How To Get What You Want
Posted at 4:45 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Orison Swett Marden, quotations by Orison Swett Marden, quotes by Orison Swett Marden | 0 Comments
Bob Doyle Teaches You How To Turn Bad Days Into Good Ones
"Have you ever had days that started bad, and then got worse? It is very simply explained by The Law Of Attraction. Something happens which you choose to interpret as 'bad', which causes you to take on a negative emotion. This activates a magnet that will attract more of that emotion. So you burn your breakfast, hit every red light, get cut off in traffic, fight with your spouse....it just goes on and on. And it is no way a coincidence. It is what you have attracted.
The reality is you had a choice when the first 'bad' thing went wrong to either have a totally different interpretation of the event or to find something else on which to put your attention....something that brings you Joy! Once you do that, the Law of Attraction will instantly begin to magnetize things that will perpetuate and build on that positive emotion. Good things will start to happen. And to the extent that you can amplify the joy you are feeling, things will only get better and better, rather than worse and worse. It is Law."
Let Bob Doyle show you how to turn all your days into great ones with the POWER of The Law Of Attraction
Posted at 12:19 AM | Labels: Bob Doyle, law of attraction quotations | 0 Comments
Believe it or not .....You are like a Radio Station
"The Law of Magnetism says that we can only attract the same kind of energy that we put out about ourselves....Each of us is like a little radio station, constantly broadcasting signals about our self and our life. The people and situations that match those signals are the ones that will tune in to us and be drawn into our life experience." Quantum Success: The Astounding Science of Wealth and Happiness
Posted at 8:19 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
The Law Of Thinking???
"We attract only what we think or create; this is The Law Of Thinking. To achieve success we must think it, we must work it, we must become it. To advance, we must make some effort to rise. To obtain happiness we must adapt our lives to the Law Of Harmony and Order. To rise above any limitation we must organize our thinking along constructive lines." - Raymond Holiwell
So how can you do what Mr. Holiwell is advocating in the quote above? I came across this quote as I was studying The 11 Forgotten Laws Program which is based on the work of Raymond Holiwell. Bob Proctor & Mary Morissey uncover 11 Universal Laws of Success, which they call The 11 Forgotten Laws, simply because so few people know about them.
Here is a tiny fraction of what I discovered in The Law Of Thinking alone (There are 11 Laws in total)
- The surprisingly simple nature-inspired activity to quickly develop organized, discipline thought. Master this and manifest every single one of your heart’s desire with lightning speed. PLUS: Also do this to erase unhelpful anxious thoughts like white-out.
- The Sins of the Fathers. Did you know that 98% of your “stinkin’ thinking” is rooted in a mistimed word from our parents? Add this secret ingredient to your thought patterns and be finally set free to be the great person you’re destined to be.
- Scientists have proven that your thoughts travels 930,000 times faster than the speed of our voice. The implications? No other force or power in the Universe yet known is as great or quick. Here’s how to properly harness the full potential and put it to work for you.
- PLUS: Why a brilliant educated ethical person like you can be broke. The single most crucial action to break those soul-crushing dead end patterns.
- And much more.
Posted at 7:34 AM | Labels: 11 forgotten laws, law of attraction quotations, raymond holiwell | 0 Comments
"Remember, if you don't like what you're creating, you must change what you're conscious of. When you catch yourself focused on the negative, you need to know that your mind is creating negative results. Shift that focus no matter what it takes, and you'll soon see the powerful and positive outcome that a truly optimistic consciousness can create!" - Sandra Anne Taylor
Quantum Success: The Astounding Science of Wealth and Happiness
Posted at 3:51 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
The One Question You Must Ask In Order To Achieve Quantum Success
"Your constant question must be 'What am I focusing my consciousness on now?' And the question that follows is 'What might this consciousness be creating for me?' "
Sandra Anne Taylor - Quantum Success: The Astounding Science of Wealth and Happiness
Posted at 1:48 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
Science Proves The Law Of Attraction
"Science has convincingly proven the existence and constant operation of the Law of Mental Attraction. For this reason everyone should be doubly careful about how and what he thinks. Our predominant mental attitude is the primary cause of most everything that comes into our lives, and the sooner we realize this truth, the sooner we shall begin to improve our lives and progress." Raymond Holiwell - Working With The Law.
If you would like to access more of the wisdom of Mr. Holiwell in modern day english, taught by 2 master teachers of The Law Of Attraction (Bob Proctor & Mary Morrissey) then click here to find out more.
Nature Isn't Depriving You....
"Nature does not deprive us of any good and desirable thing, but has provided us with the mental equipment and inner power to acquire and enjoy all the essential good to insure a happy and worthwhile existence." Raymond Holiwell - Working With The Law
If you are not where you want to be in life, then the only one you can balme is....YOU. You have everything you need in order to suceed right within you...all you have to do is tap into it. But how do you do that?
That's exactly what The 11 Forgotten Laws Program will show you. It is based on the book Working with The Law that I have quoted above.
Posted at 11:39 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations by raymond holiwell | 0 Comments
How To Eradicate Poverty
"If all of the poverty-stricken people in the world today would quit thinking of poverty, quit dwelling on it, worrying about it and fearing it; if they would wipe the poverty thought out of their minds, if they would cut off mentally all relations with poverty and substitute the opulent thought, the prosperity thought, the mental attitude that faces toward prosperity, they would soon begin to change conditions. It is the dwelling on the thing, the fearing it, the worrying about it, the anxiety about it, the terror of it, that attracts us to it and attracts it to us. We cut off our supply current and establish relations with want, with poverty-stricken conditions." Orison Swett Marden - How To Get What You Want
Posted at 11:03 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Orison Swett Marden, quotations by Orison Swett Marden, quotes by Orison Swett Marden | 0 Comments
What Makes Us Unhappy.
"The chief cause of our discontent and unhappiness is that hardly any one is satisfied with what he has. The little simple things don't count for anything with us. We are always looking for some big things to make us happy, a fortune, some grand opportunity, some indefintae happiness which we at a loss to describe. And we seem to think that whatever this thing is that is going to make us really happy is always somewhere in the shadowy future." Orison Swett Marden - How To Get What You Want
Posted at 4:19 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Orison Swett Marden, quotations by Orison Swett Marden, quotes by Orison Swett Marden | 0 Comments
My Favorite Quotes From The Law Of Supply Lesson
"If we desire to gain wealth, we find that it is not a place, nor an environment. If so, all the people in one city would be rich, and the people in another city would be poor. Wealth is not the result of saving or of thrift. Many penurious people are poor; many freespenders are rich. Wealth is not due to any certain business, for men in the same business are poor and rich alike. It is something within the mind of man that makes wealth, and that something in the mind of man is the quality and type of thoughts that he entertains." - Raymond Holiwell
Posted at 6:10 AM | Labels: 111 forgotten laws, raymond holiwell | 0 Comments
Thinking For Success
"Stop thinking trouble if you want to attract it's opposite; stop thinking poverty if you wish to attract plenty. Refuse to have anything to do with the things that you fear, the things that you do not want." Orisson Swett Marden
Posted at 3:55 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Orison Swett Marden, quotations by Orison Swett Marden, quotes by Orison Swett Marden | 0 Comments
"The Law Of Manifestation is clear: If your consciousness creates your reality, you simply can't manifest anything that doesn't exist fully formed inside you first. You can't experience success without an unconflicted knowledge of what that looks and feels like." -Sandra Anne Taylor Quantum Success
Learn more about the 7 Universal Laws Of Success in Sandra's book
Quantum Success: The Astounding Science of Wealth and Happiness
Posted at 1:35 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
You Are A Human Magnet
"Men and women are human magnets. Just as a steel magnet drawn through a pile of rubbish will pull out only things which have an affinity for it, so we are constantly drawing to us, establishing relations with, the things and the people that respond to our thoughts and ideals." - Orison Swett Marden
Posted at 9:23 PM | | 0 Comments
Thinking Prosperity Is Only The First Step.
"Prosperity never comes by merely wishing or longing for it. Keeping your mind fixed on it, simply thinking of prosperity, will never bring it to you. This is only the first step. You must cling to your prosperity thought, your prosperity ideal, but you must also back it up with scientific methods, the practical common-sense methods which all successful men employ in their work. You might dream of abundance and prosperity all your life-time and die in the poorhouse, if you do not back up your dream with businesslike effeciency methods. That is, you must be methodical, orderly, systematic, accurate, thorough, industrious. You must do everything to a finish. You must fling your energy, your heart into your business, your profession, your work, whatever it is." Orison Swett Marden - How To Get What You Want
Posted at 10:56 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Orison Swett Marden, quotations by Orison Swett Marden, quotes by Orison Swett Marden | 0 Comments
Hi EveryoneI'm currently reading Orison Swett Marden's book "How To Get What You Want" and I came across this paragraph that I had to share with all of you."It is the man you are capable of making, not the man you have become, that is most important to you. You cannot afford to carry this enormous asset to your grave unused. As a business man you would not think of having a lot of idle capital in the bank, drawing no interest, uninvested, unused.
Do you realize that this is exactly what you are doing to yourself? You have assets within you that are infinitely more valuable than money capital. Why do you not use your capital? This is what you would ask a business man who was pinching along, worried all the time because he thought that he could not meet his obligations, pay his notes, when he had a large amount of idle capital in the bank. You would declare the man was foolish.
You are more foolish because you have immortal capital lying idle. Why don't you use it? Why do you hitch along in this little one-horse way all your life when you have so much unused capital, so much reserve assets? Why not use them?" Orisson Swett Marden How To Get What You Want
What a powerful lesson for us all. I think so many people spend their lives that way. How sad to come to the end of your life and realize that you had the power within you to live the life of your dreams, but you squandered it and settled for crumbs when you could have had the feast.
Posted at 3:49 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Orison Swett Marden, quotations by Orison Swett Marden, quotes by Orison Swett Marden | 0 Comments
"The average person thinks at random; he has no clear design in mind to which he can frame his thoughts. If he has a design, he does not direct his daily effort toward it. Most of his thinking is beyond control, chaotic and unorganized. This is why disappointment and failure are always near, for they thrive on indecision." - Raymond Holiwell Working With The Law
Are you an average person whose thinking is chaotic? I was, for many years, until recently when I learned about The Law Of Thinking.
The Law Of Thinking is one of 11 Universal Laws taught in the 11 Forgotten Laws Program.
For more information about this online integrated home-study course, then visit The 11 Forgotten Laws Here.
Posted at 6:19 AM | | 0 Comments
The Law Of Thinking
The Law Of Thinking is one of 11 Universal Laws called The 11 Forgotten Laws . The Law Of Thinking states that the progress you make in life will depend on your predominant mental state. And this mental state, either positive or negative, is made up of the thoughts you think.
You've probably heard of the saying "Seeing is Believing", right? But The Law Of Thinking teaches that "Believing is Seeing." In other words we first need to create something in our minds before we can bring it into physical reality.
Thoughts really are things. Thoughts may not be visible to the naked eye, but they are as real as any physical object we can see, touch, taste or smell. And although we may not be able to see it at all, we are surrounded by thought waves or currents.
Scientists have discovered that our thoughts travel at the speed of 186,000 miles per second. That means that your thought travels 930,000 times faster than the sound of your voice.
The thoughts that you think have a certain frequency or vibration. And they attract other similar vibratory patterns, because like attracts like. So if you dwell on thoughts of poverty, failure, lack and limitation then you will attract people with similar thought patterns and circumstances with equally negative vibratory patterns.
In order to learn to attract good things in your life, you don't have to do away with the bad. This goes contrary to popular wisdom, which has us focusing all our attention and energy on our problems. And what do you get by doing that? You guessed it -More problems! So instead of focusing on on your problems you need to focus on the desired outcome instead. And the negative thoughts will disappear of their own accord.
There are many advantages to learning to be in alignment with The Law Of Thinking. Mastering The Law Of Thinking will help you to manifest your desires faster than ever before and will help you to break dead-end patterns that are keeping you stuck. You will also discover how to get rid of negative, anxiety producing thoughts quickly and easily. No need to sit in a psychiatrists couch for years, uncovering your childhood issues to get to the root of the problem. In fact, as you will learn, for most normal people, this is probably one of the most counterproductive things you can do.
The Law Of Thinking is only 1 of 11 Universal Laws Of Attraction. If you would like to learn more about The Law Of Thinking or any of the other Universal Laws please click here.
The Law Of Thinking
Posted at 7:19 AM | Labels: 11 forgotten laws, bob proctor, law of thinking, mary morrissey, universal laws of success | 0 Comments
The Law Of Attraction in One Sentence.
"What the mind holds within takes it's form in the outer world." - Raymond Holiwell
This quote comes from the book "Working With The Law" and it is the book on which the fantastic 11 Forgotten Laws Program is based.
Posted at 6:03 AM | Labels: 11 forgotten laws, raymond holiwell | 0 Comments
"More defeats are due to mental blindness than to moral deviations." Raymond Holiwell
This quote comes from a book written by Mr. Holiwell called "Working With The Law" and it is part of the 11 Forgotten Laws Program.
Posted at 5:46 AM | Labels: 11 forgotten laws, law of attraction quotations, raymond holiwell | 0 Comments
What are you magnetizing?
'It is your thoughts and emotions that dictate what you are vibrating, and thus, what you are magnetizing." -Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason
Posted at 12:09 AM | Labels: Bob Doyle, law of attraction quotations | 0 Comments
Thoughts Are Things.
I recently came across a beautiful poem by Henry Van Dyke and I thought that I'd share it with you.
I hold it true that thoughts are things;
They're endowed with bodies and breath and wings:
And that we send them forth to fill
The world with good results, or ill.
That which we call our secret thought
Speeds forth to earth's remotest spot,
Leaving its blessings or its woes
Like tracks behind it as it goes.
We build our future, thought by thought,
For good or ill, yet we know it not.
Yet so the universe was wrought.
Thought is another name for fate;
Choose then thy destiny and wait,
For love brings love and hate brings hate.
Posted at 10:25 AM | | 0 Comments
The Reason You Don't Have What You Want.
'The only reason you do not have everything you want in your life right now is because you resisting it to some degree.' Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason
Did you know that you can resist something by wanting it too much? That's because desperately needing something comes from a feeling of lack and abundance and you give of a vibration of lack and need. And guess what comes back to you, more lack and need!!
It's an endless cycle.
Another way of resisting what you want is to believe that you don't deserve it. You may not even know that you have this belief. It could be operating beneath your conscious awareness.
What I love about the Wealth Beyond Reason Program is that Bob Doyle shows you exactly how to get rid of these blocks and how to allow the Law Of Attraction to work it's magic in your life.
Find out more about how to attract Wealth Beyond Reason here
Posted at 10:41 PM | Labels: Bob Doyle, law of attraction quotations | 0 Comments
Wealth isn't money....Huh?
"....Wealth isn't money. Wealth is living the life you desire in abundance and joy (and that can include having a lot of money)" Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond ReasonSay the word wealth and poeple automatically think of money. But I know of many people who have money but are not wealthy. To be wealthy you must be happy and have a spirit of abundance rather than scarcity.
One woman in particular, has amassed quite a fortune through saving and shrewd investments. She is 60 years old and has so much money that she simple lives off her interest, not even touching her capital investment.
Yet, she will never even buy her grandchildren a gift or give a beggar a single cent. She hoards every cent for the future and for her daughter. This same impoversihed spirit extends to all areads of her life. She never has a kind or compassionate word for anyone.
Her entire life is governed by scarcity and lack, even though she has money. I certainly wouldn't call her wealthy, would you?
The question is do you just want money or do you truly want to be wealthy.
Posted at 12:44 AM | Labels: Bob Doyle, law of attraction quotations | 0 Comments
Consciousness is the Beginning Of All Creation
"From the smallest pebble on a dirt road to the expanse of the midnight sky, from a child's paper airplane to a nationally computerized power grid, it all began in the power of the mind. This is the fundamental reality of all manifestation:Everything exists in consciousness first. And while not all of it produces beneficial results, every bit of it produces something. Consciousness created the World Trade Center and also destroyed it." - Sandra Anne Taylor Quantum Success
Posted at 12:45 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
Why Do Really Want Wealth?
"Why do you really want wealth?
When it comes down to it, we are looking for a way to faciliate our doing what we most want to do. If we want to live in a big house by the lake, or own a luxury car, or even just a big screen TV, we have this idea that to get all these things we have to first get money. So we are looking for money to bring us those things, which has us looking in the wrong direction and we are slowing down the process of 'having' immensely." Bob Doyle - Wealth Beyond Reason
Bob Doyle Teaches The Law of Attraction on DVD
You've seen Bob Doyle in various films talking about the power of the Law of Attraction, but now he's produced his first SOLO project where he goes in-depth into the most commonly asked questions, and most important principles related to the Law of Attraction. Beautifully produced, and 100% content!
Posted at 12:38 AM | Labels: Bob Doyle, law of attraction quotations | 0 Comments
You've Got it All Mixed Up!
"Monetary wealth will be a 'by-product' of living the life of your dreams...not the cause of it." - Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason
Read that again. "But how can I live the life of my dreams without money?" I hear you ask. There are 2 ways to do that -
1. Start doing things that bring you joy on a consistent basis. These don't have to be expensive or difficult. It could be something as simple as taking frequent bubble baths or reading a good book. Doing things that bring you joy will raise your vibrational levels and you will start to attract more positive events and circumstances in your life.
2. Spend some time visualizing your dream life each and every day. You need to start living your dream life in your mind first before it can become a reality. Think of aal the great inventions and ideas. They were first nothing more than ideas visualized clearly in the mind of the creator before they came into physical form.
What do you want your ideal life to look like? Just let your imagination go wild....
To find out more about how to manifest the life of your dreams take a look at the Wealth Beyond Reason Program
Posted at 12:22 AM | Labels: Bob Doyle, law of attraction quotations | 0 Comments
Why It's So Important to Stop Worrying about money
".....the last thing you need to worry about is how you are going to get the money you want to create the life you want. Your only job is to know what kind of life you want to live the most, and to find those things in your life that bring you the most joy, and to keep your attention on those things."
Bob Doyle - Wealth Beyond Reason
Are you doing this? Probably not.You're probable focused on how to get the m*oney you need to create the life you want. Changing your focus from what you lack (enough mo*ney to what brings you joy) may seem to go against common sense.
But that's exactly what you need to do in order to raise your vibrations and get what you REALLY want in life.
Posted at 9:19 PM | Labels: Bob Doyle, law of attraction quotations | 0 Comments
Hope Empowers....
"Hope empowers you. It lifts the soul and opens the heart, and it's the source of your enthusiasm and excitement. Without hope you can't get excited about your desire - or keep your passion high your passion high enough to keep going when faced with obstacles." Sandra Anne Taylor
Posted at 10:02 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
Being In Balance
"Keep your thoughts and feelings in harmony with your actions. The surest way to realize your purpose is to eliminate any conflict or dissonance that exists between what you're thinking and how you're living your days."
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Posted at 9:22 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Wayne Dyer | 0 Comments
Thought Atmosphere
"Every person is surrounded by a thought atmosphere....Through this power we are either attracting or repelling. Like attracts like and...we attract just what we are in mind."
Ernest Holmes
Posted at 7:36 AM | Labels: Ernest Holmes, law of attraction quotations | 0 Comments
"The individual application of observer creation reveals that what you notice about yourself becomes present. Think about this for a moment:What do you tend to note about yourself? Are those self-observations negative or positive? What kind of reality do you think that you'll come up with based on them?" - Sandra Taylor
Posted at 9:58 PM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
Are You Chasing After The Wrong Things?
"Most people chase wealth so that they can afford the life of their dreams. What they don't see - and what you will learn - is that through living the life of your dreams, you literally attract exactly the resources you need to LIVE your dream. - Bob Doyle
Wealth Beyond Reason
The Truth about the Law of Attraction
Posted at 12:23 AM | Labels: Bob Doyle, law of attraction quotations | 0 Comments
"Your current situation - whatever it may be - is a direct result of what you are feeling, thinking and believing. Unless you take responsibility for where you are now, you will never have full control over where you are going." - Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason
Are you taking responsibility for where your life is right now? Or are you blaming others? The great thing about being responsible is that you can change things for the better any time you want. Am I saying that you are responsible for everything bad that happens to you, like a car accident,a rape or even something as "little" as a nasty comment?
No, You many not be 100% responsible for everything that happens to you but you are 100% responsible for how you react to it. We cannot always choose the events in our lives, but we can always choose our reactions to them.
To find out more about how to purposefully create an amazing life, take a look at the Wealth Beyond Reason Program.
Posted at 7:30 PM | Labels: Bob Doyle, law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments
Inside Out Creation
"In terms of your personal life, your success - or lack of it - manifests in your consciousness first. If you can look around you and see failure and difficulty, that's a product of your mind. If you see abundance and achievement, that's a force of your own, too. Everything that you'll ever manifest is in the boiling pot of your conscious energy, creating the concoction that you'll later call your life." Sandra Anne Taylor Quantum Success
Find out more by clicking the link below:
Quantum Success: The Astounding Science of Wealth and Happiness
Posted at 1:11 AM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes, Sandra Anne Taylor | 0 Comments
Bob Doyle is one of my favorite teachers from The Secret. Here's a quote from him on taking responsibility for your life.
"Your Current situation -whatever it may be - is a direct result of what you are feeling, thinking and believing. Unless you take responsibility for where you are now, you will never have full control over where you are going." -Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason
Posted at 8:32 PM | Labels: Bob Doyle, law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments
Law Of Attraction Quotations
I am an ardent fan and practitioner of The Law Of Attraction and as such I'm constantly reading books and purchasing programs on The Law Of Attraction.
I have come across many quotes that I love and that have made a tremendously positive impact on my life and I want to share them with you in this blog.
I hope that you will enjoy reading this blog as much as I have enjoyed sharing with you.
Law Of Attraction Quotations
Law Of Attraction Quotes
Posted at 8:20 PM | Labels: law of attraction quotations, law of attraction quotes | 0 Comments